目前分類:Just Words (502)

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My Kate Moss perfume is coming to a depletion.
Therefore, I have been crazy searching for its replacement.
Types of the smell (Western floral, eastern floral, woody, fruity, unisex),
Designs of the bottle (Large, small, circle, cube, even triangle?),
Choices after choices, there are so many of them.  I cannot decide.
Just like so many facets of mine... never the same in two days.

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  • Apr 14 Wed 2010 10:26
  • BF


BF = best before
Yesterday we found out that the soy milk in the fridge had expired.
To finish it up quickly, I had a glass last night before going to bed, and
some more with my oat meal this morning.
The milk tasted as it was still fresh, but at the back of your mind, you still have the worries.
Come think of it, indeed, there is a BF for everything, even for relationships.
After certain events, although you try to be/look the same, underneath & down below, everything is changed.
Sadly, you can never make up for that.

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